Trinity Presbyterian Church

Sunday School at 9:45 am
Worship at 11:00 am

18 Clarksburg Road
Clarksburg, PA 15725


Trinity Presbyterian Church

18 Clarksburg Road
Clarksburg, PA 15725

    Building Use Form

    If you are interested in using our facilities for an event, please carefully review our Building Use Policy and fill out a Building Request Form.  All requests must be made through JoAnn McLay, Event Coordinator.  You can contact her by calling 724-726-5173.  Also, please keep in mind that all uses of church property must be approved by the Session during their regular meetings.  The Session meets on the second Monday of every month so plan accordingly.

    Our wedding procedures are outlined in our Building Use Policy.  At the present time we do not have a Pastor available to officiate weddings. If you are considering using Trinity for your wedding all requests must be made through JoAnn McLay.  You can contact her by calling 724-726-5173.